Health is a condition where disease and other infirmity are totally absent. The word “healthy” itself is taken from the Greek word “krisis” which means struggle or danger. A number of different definitions have been employed over the years for the purpose of defining health. These definitions all use slightly different language but all include four elements: Physical well being, mental well being, social well being, and emotional well being.
While health care professionals use these various definitions in order to better determine the needs of individuals they see on a day to day basis, they all generally agree on the notion that good health requires certain basic conditions. For instance, a person’s physical well being is important in order to maintain proper weight and healthy body proportions. Likewise, it is necessary for mental health issues to exist in order to cope with everyday issues such as stress, anxiety, depression, and the like. Finally, it is important to have emotional well being in order to be able to live one’s life to the fullest. It is important to take care of yourself as well as your family in order to achieve this.
Mental wellness includes all the aspects of an individual’s mental health including their general outlook, their ability to handle stress, and their ability to live their life to its fullest without any major medical complications. Meanwhile, physical wellness encompasses the complete maintenance of one’s physical health including their heart rate, blood pressure, height, and other vital signs. Similarly, both mental health issues and physical health issues depend on a person’s diet, their level of activity, and their lifestyle. On a daily basis, we cannot deny the many manifestations of these four elements in our lives but at the same time cannot dismiss them altogether as irrelevant to our overall well being. Thus, it is important to pay attention to these things not only to maintain your physical health but also to maintain your mental health.