Types of Sports That Are Not Sports
Sports (or sportsmanship) is any form of typically competitive physical activity that, through organised or casual competition, attempt to employ, maintain, or enhance certain physical ability and abilities while providing stimulation to participants, and sometimes, spectators. Consisting of a variety of games including athletics, motor sports, gymnastics, track and field, softball, fencing and rugby, sports competition can take place in almost any arena where people are gathered to watch, or participate in the activity. Sports are widely competitive and involve physical contact with other human beings as well as elements such as kicking, punching, throwing and wrestling. The sport itself has evolved over the years into a highly structured system of rules and strategy, developed by governing bodies as well as individual athletes themselves, to be followed closely, and executed during a given game or competition.
There are many different types of sports, and though most are associated with one element or another, there are some that separate themselves from the rest by being a pure sports activity. For example, sailing, as a sport, require no equipment except for sails and oars, as well as specific methods of handling the boat and ensuring that it is steered safely and out towards the water so as to avoid running into things and taking damage, and the discipline of this sport means that each sailor is individually tested for physical aptitude, skill and physical dexterity, before being allowed to compete. Likewise, fencing is a sport where the bout takes place in a completely enclosed and controlled arena, and both competitors and observers must adhere to strict safety measures to prevent injury.
Other sports that are often considered to fall under the non-sport category include cheerleading, gymnastics, table tennis, figure skating, baseball, badminton, basket ball and yachting. Cheerleading is a competitive, energetic form of physical activity that requires both an infectious enthusiasm and a high degree of skill to be successful. Table tennis is a table-tennis-like game that involves two players, although in its American form, it also includes football-style racquets and paddles to allow for greater reaction time. Badminton is a sport that involves throwing a racquet and catching it before it hits any other surface, while basketball is an action-packed game that involves a set of four colourful balls that are launched in a specific direction by the throwing of a club. Yachting, on the other hand, is a highly structured and technical sailing activity, while swimming and snorkeling are simply fun ways of getting the body into the water.